In 2018, organisers of democracy festivals from Northern Europe joined forces and established a Democracy Festivals Association, with two more festivals from Turkey and Northern Ireland,(UK), joining in the later years. The Association aims to nurture links between existing democracy festivals, inspire by example, and assist other emerging democracy festivals.
Our common vision is to revitalise democracy by strengthening the link between a political system and citizens and creating spaces for dialogue and participation.
Democracy Festivals are the platforms for constructive political dialogue across opinions, age, gender, and hierarchy, where people come together each summer to discuss how to improve their countries. Civil society activists, entrepreneurs, government officials, politicians and people at large sit together and casually talk about how to make their country a better place for everybody.
Festival map
Democracy Festivals Association has expanded in the Nordic-Baltic Sea Region and is spreading out in the rest of Europe. There are already young democracy festival initiatives in other countries – and others are on the way!
Democracy Festivals Criteria
Be a part of the Democracy Festivals Community!
Does your festival meet the criteria of a democracy festival? Or maybe you're planning to organise your democracy festival according to these criteria? New festivals are welcome to join our community and become members of the Democracy Festivals Association. Get in touch with us!
If you wish to organise a democracy festival,
we might have some suggestions for you!
We would love to share our knowledge and experience with the rest of the world. Check out our Methods, get an overview of Democracy Festivals’ Design Dimensions and find inspiration to design your own.
If you are a democracy festival organiser and wish to become a member, get in touch!
There are already young democracy festival initiatives on the way in other countries. Every year new festivals will be invited to join the Association. Tell us more about your democracy festival.